If you could own any single object that you don't have now, what would it be? ... Another MR2, but a 2nd generation Toyota MR2
What is your favorite thing to do outdoors?... Pole vaulting.
If you could fast-forward your life, how old would you want to be and why? ... Age 65 and retired.
What is the one object you own that matters more to you than anything else? ... My car ...or socks, I can't imagine life without socks!
What is the one thing in the world you are most afraid of? ... People that text and drive!
If you could go to school in a foreign country, which country would you pick? ... Finland because they have an excellent and affordable education system.
If you won a million dollars what’s the first thing you would do? ... Invest!
If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would that be? ... "On a steal horse I ride, I'm wanted, dead or alive"- Jon Bon Jovi or F1 driver Ayrton Cenna
What's the best thing about your school? ... I had some good teachers and funny teachers too! But the best thing about my school is that it's over!
What does your perfect day look like? ... My perfect day would be to wake up, eat, and drive my car all day on perfectly paved and winding roads, with dusk that lasts all day, and without running out of gas!